Since becoming a mum, it’s become impossible not to notice the constant media obsession with breastfeeding. Is it easy (ahem, Jamie Oliver)? Too hard? Is there enough support? How should we do it in public? Should it be done on a train? When should you stop? Blah blah blaahhhhh. I’m […]
How to be a Mindful Mother, (Without Making Everyone Want to Vomit)
Big news folks, I’ve converted to ‘carenting’. I know, I know, I’ve made up a (vaguely rude-sounding) word there. But I stand by it. Over the last few months I have made the shift from mildly-panicked, pessimistic, battle-ready war-mum to a (I’ll say this quickly and hope you don’t immediately […]
How to Stop Your Toddler Having a Tantrum
A choose your own adventure guide to dealing with the terrible twos… Trying to find ways to stop your toddler having a tantrum? Not to be unfeeling, but, HAHA. Good luck. I recently ordered a few books on the toddler years as I realised I hadn’t read anything since I […]
HG Awareness Day: One Hyperemesis Gravidarum Sufferer’s Story
When I look back on my pregnancy I remember a range of emotions. I was scared, yes, but mostly excited. It felt like what I was doing was the most important thing I (or anyone else) had ever done. I watched endless hours of One Born Every Minute, I prepped […]
Preparing for Birth; Tips from Midwife Bridget Sheeran
In this Q&A for The Mother Edit, Bridget Sheeran, Midwife and author of Preparing for Birth: Colouring your Pregnancy Journey (Hammersmith Health Books) gives us her top tips on preparing for birth. In the early days of pregnancy how can expectant mothers prepare themselves for birth? The best way is […]
#KitchenKaraoke: Rolling in the Deep (& a Love Letter to Adele)
Our latest Kitchen Karaoke is one of our all-time favourites and a sure-fire pick me up; Adele’s Rolling in the Deep. And I just want to say this… Thank you Adele for providing a song for every occasion; this song is guaranteed to make my boy dance and giggle no […]
How To Care Less About What People Think
How I Gave Up Caring What Other People Thought OK, short answer, I haven’t. BUT, I am trying really hard to care less. People who know me know that I am a bit of a cynic. I find being miserable (in a light-hearted, friendly sort of way) very enjoyable. Sarcasm […]
What I Wore This Week
When you’re a working mum, dressing isn’t always easy. By this I mean, actually getting dressed is a challenge; you’ve got a toddler with separation anxiety hanging off your leg screaming ‘pppiiiiiigggg‘ (because he wants to watch Peppa Pig, not because you’ve had chocolate digestives for the last eight meals, […]
I Do Not Like the Sound of My Voice Like This
The annoying truth about ‘mummy voice’ (spoiler alert: I have one). I’ve never spent much time around mums. My mum? Yes. All the time. Every minute I can. But not new mums. I was the first of my mates to have a baby, so pretty much everything has been unchartered […]
Breastfeeding In Public: A Guide
Breastfeeding in public is not a topic worth debating. I cannot be bothered to lay out an argument for or against because quite simply there is no viable ‘against’ argument. It’s what women were given breasts for, and telling them not to use them as intended to nourish their babies […]