On the joys of the pick-up-put-down method

I really would like some sleep now. Since we started weaning / Jack started teething / life-and-stuff, Jack’s sleep has taken another major backwards step. Sometimes he wakes twice, sometimes three or four times, which I could cope with – but often the wakes, which used to be a 10-minute feed […]

On Jamie Oliver’s definition of ‘easy’

Jamie Oliver’s pro-breastfeeding campaign was never going to go well. Pretty much anyone commenting on breastfeeding in any circumstances is asking for a backlash in its strongest terms. But when that person is a man, making bold statements about women’s choices… Cue media meltdown. I’ve been reading the back-and-forth debates […]

Surviving a cold with a baby

I swear someone told me that the magical powers of breastfeeding stopped babies getting ill. Or something along those lines. MORE LIES. Jack has had approximately 18 colds in his six months of life. And babies are notoriously bad at blowing their nose. When they have a cold, inevitably you have a […]

The perfect moment

Those of you who have read my other posts will know that I lean toward the ranty/moany/why-won’t-this-child-just-go-the-f-to-sleep type of blogger.  Maybe I’m feeling emotional after my first Mother’s Day. Maybe I’m full of love after a fairly decent night’s sleep. Maybe I’m slightly high on the it’s-Monday-and-I’m-not-at-work feeling.  But I thought I’d […]