You’re Not Alone: Overcoming Loneliness as a New Single Parent.

The path to single parenthood looks different for everyone. Whether it was a transition you saw coming or something you’re still adjusting to, one thing many newly single parents experience is an overwhelming sense of loneliness in single parenthood.

There is nothing quite as isolating as those early days of single parenthood. Suddenly, you’re faced with the reality that, once the kids are in bed, there’s no one to debrief about your day. You might have entire weekends to fill without your children as your new co-parenting routine takes shape.

On top of this, you’re juggling the demands of parenting alone, balancing the role of sole head of your household, work and childcare. The loneliness can hit hard and sometimes it arrives in the most unexpected moments. It could be the simple act of doing a food shop and realising you’re no longer shopping for a household of two adults or preparing for an important work meeting with no one to talk through your ideas.

Perhaps you’ve treated yourself to a weekend away, only to return home to an empty house, realising there’s no one to share your stories with. Yes, your children might show some interest, but it’s not the same as sharing with another adult. And then, there are the unavoidable events—school plays, birthday parties or weddings—that can stir up feelings of loneliness in different ways.

First, I want to reassure you that what you’re feeling is completely normal. You’re going through an incredibly challenging life change. It’s natural to feel isolated and as though no one truly understands what you’re experiencing. But let me tell you—you are not alone. Many have trodden this path before you and understand exactly how you feel.

Here are some ways to help you feel more connected as you embark your single parenthood journey.

How To Feel Less Alone As A Single Parent

Let Friends and Family In

It can be difficult to admit that you need emotional and practical support, but now is the perfect time to break down that barrier and reach out to your family and friends. If you let them know what you need, they will be more than happy to help.

Open up to your friends and family. Share how you’re really feeling, rather than putting on a brave face. Single parent support is crucial at this time and learning to accept—and even ask for—help is key.

Connect With Other Single Parents

There’s something special about connecting with another single parent. They truly understand the essence of what it’s like and that sense of being instantly “seen” is something you may not experience with others. Seek out local single parent groups or take advantage of technology by joining online communities. One of the great things about online spaces is that you don’t have to actively participate until you’re ready. You can simply read uplifting and encouraging conversations from others who have been where you are.

Plan for Connection and Avoid Isolation

With everything going on, it’s easy to just take each day as it comes. But as much as possible, plan your week in advance and make sure to you have pockets of time to connect with others. Whether it’s a walk with a friend, a phone call or inviting people over for dinner, these interactions are crucial for helping you feel connected. Forgetting to schedule in adult social time can happen easily. Suddenly it will be 2 weeks and you will realise the reason why you are feeling so frazzled is because you have not interacted with another adult in 2 whole weeks. I’ve learned this the hard way more than once.

Cherish Time with Your Children

Your children are a source of immense joy. Yes, there is no doubt parenting solo has its challenges, but try to focus on the moments throughout the day that make your heart burst with pride. Plan a fun day out with your kids—your lives may have turned upside down but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. A helpful journaling exercise to capture these moments is to take five minutes and reflect on this prompt: “Something funny or clever my child said recently…” Writing it down will help you relive the moment and bring back all those good feelings from the moment.

Solas Coaching Orla

Don’t Forget to Look After Yourself

Everyone knows about self-care, but in the early days of single parenthood, it’s really about going back to basics. Make sure you’re eating regular, healthy(ish) meals, getting some form of exercise, and dressing each day (though the occasional day in bed is perfectly fine). Try not to fill your loneliness with unhealthy habits like excessive drinking or binge-eating. When you’re busy looking after everyone else and trying to keep the show on the road, these basics can be the first to go—but they’re essential for your wellbeing.

Mind Your Media

Be mindful of the media you consume. Aim for positive, growth-oriented content. There are fantastic podcasts, books, and Instagram pages dedicated to single parents that offer valuable tips and daily encouragement. Spending time in these spaces will serve you far better than doom-scrolling through social media.

Seek Professional Support

You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. Seeking professional support—whether through therapy, coaching or another form of guidance—can provide the space to process your feelings and grow as a single parent. Professional support offers a safe environment to explore emotional challenges, develop coping strategies and gain clarity on your situation. This help can empower you to embrace your new role with confidence, build resilience and connect with your inner strength, ensuring you feel more equipped to handle the demands of single parenting.

Be Kind to Yourself

You are adjusting to major life changes, and there will be days when you feel lonely. But know this: it won’t last forever. You are in a period of adjustment, and soon enough, you’ll look back on this time with compassion, from a place of strength.

As you navigate the ups and downs of single parenthood, remember that this journey is uniquely yours, filled with both challenges and beautiful moments. Embrace the connections you forge, cherish the laughter and love with your children and don’t hesitate to lean on your friends and family for support. You are not alone—many have walked this path and found strength within themselves, myself included. Trust that with each step you take, you are building a brighter future for both yourself and your children.

Remember: You Are Not Alone.


I’m Orla and as a single parent, I understand firsthand how overwhelming life can feel when you’re juggling everything alone. That’s why I started Solas Coaching, a life coaching service dedicated to supporting single parents. My coaching isn’t about quick fixes, it’s about helping you build lasting confidence and regain control of your life, step by step. I work with clients to overcome emotional and practical challenges, empowering them to thrive as individuals. 

If you want to break free from the stress, self-doubt and setbacks of being a single parent and start creating the life you deserve, get in touch via my website today. As a bonus, I offer a free 30-minute consultation — a no-strings conversation to explore what you really want and what’s holding you back. Find out more at

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